Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Finally Living within means

Money doesn't grown off of trees.The old saying that every kid hates to hear. A very true statement that most adults don't want to hear as well, although we are aware it. In the past few years with the jobless rate increasing our lives have changed.Those with jobs are trying to maintain with that job and with that may come stress. Being overworked and underpaid.Doing two positions with the same pay, which makes one upset and want to quit.Then when the company finally gets rid of the person then they are so relieved.Filing unemployment and taking a break.Taking time to get one's self together mentally and physically.

Of course, there is a concern and a disbelief that there is no job. Not enough to pay the current bills at hand. Time to downsize. Some people are aloof and gasp at the mere thought of doing less. We have been condition through society that more is better, when in fact most of what we have are luxuries.Luxuries not necessities. Cable, Internet at home, video games, brand name clothes/purses, and yes even our car's. Time to get that used 4 cylinder and sell that SUV.Then we get down to the basics- Shelter, food, water, clothes(reasonable).

To some people of different backgrounds such as people on a fixed income & low income, this is nothing new  to them because they HAVE to budget.Then when days are better and jobs are back, maybe we should keep the same frame of mind when it comes to budgeting. Live well, be conscious.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Life in General as I see it: Take it and put it to the left

Life in General as I see it: Take it and put it to the left: "I was just listening to one of my favorite women .The one and only, Beyonce. I loved the phrase ,'To the Left, to the Left'.I could relate t..."

Friday, January 14, 2011

Take it and put it to the left

I was just listening to one of my favorite women .The one and only, Beyonce. I loved the phrase ,"To the Left, to the Left".I could relate to that as my Grandma ,who is also from Texas ,would say something like that. Crazy old sayings. She is a true Texan woman who don't take no crap from anyone.One respectable woman.Genes that passed on to me :). So I knew in a sense where "B" was coming from.

I feel like we as people have been put on this earth for one purpose.It's up to us to finds out what that purpose is.I also feel like we should live up to our full potential. Some people have the courage to act on it, while others don't.

I feel if you believe in something, you should stand by it 100%. This also means back up what you say.So, as an example if I say that I'm  going to run at the annual company marathon and told everyone at work I was going to do this marathon. The people at work are going to look for me to do just that.Run at the company's marathon.If I don't run I get the diarrhea face or "funny" looks at work, because now I'm considered a flake or A.K.A( a total liar).Umm...Not a good trait to have.To simply put it,"Walk it like you talk it".

To know yourself  and connecting to that level is the ultimate goal for some people.You know who you are.What your willing to put in your life and what/who goes out. Recognizing that its important to progress in life, not regress.To Regress simply means that your not mature enough to handle mature problems.Still using the same frame of mind.Adolescent or elementary(All the same :). Sometimes its hard to deal with someone who has regressed, because you can never go forward.In a Friendship or relationship.That is how we grow. Sometimes in the process of growing, you have to the peaches fall from the tree.Releasing dead weight.A tree should be viable and full of life.We sometimes have to let people who hinder our growth go.Especially negative people.Pointing them to the left.