Saturday, July 31, 2010

Give it up

Obama has done it again.Be himself. I read about some bitter witch being upset about Obama being on daytime T.V.So the "F" what! Obama is being himself and it seems like every picture I see of him he is doing one thing. Being true to himself.Something that some people are incapable of doing.Maybe is because of money, politics, or a  just a personal problem. I think people expect this man to be a  super hero with the "B" across is chest and he is God. Obama is no stranger to critics at this point and even made a comment how people are always going to talk about him.He knows this, but continues to shine with that sexy swag he has. Confidence is there 100%.

This fraggalaggin frumpy lookin Fozzy the bear talks about Obama and says he shouldn't do any daytime.I have commented on this on OMG but somehow the comment never posted, twice.Hmmm I wonder why,but anyways I thought this is nobody's business except for Obama. Should he be at his desk 24/7 working?Just because he is the president doesn't mean he needs to work all the time.He has days off just like anybody that works.If I recall he makes much as a doctor. Yeah there is a BP Spill and he has taken the initiative to fix it just as the unemployment extension bill for millions still without jobs.People now have income coming in instead of going to get GA.If you would of left that to good ol" George W none of that would of happen and millions of people would still be looking for George to sign the unemployment extension. Just sayin.The track record speaks for its self.

So before someone can speak about what other people should or should not do.They shouldn't talk because they have no type of experience in the field. Its just speculation and that makes you look dumb.What I come to realize is that people just have so much jealousy and communistic ways.Just because you don't "approve" of the ways of another person's ways doesn't make it wrong. By who? All people don't walk the same way. That's not being a leader,its called being a follower. Its about time we have a real person in the government for once.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

That Boost

Today I had this older guy come up to me today.Dressed very simple or back in time shall I say. Looked like a true captain.You know, with the captain hat and all. He had a vest . docker shoes, and had that white short beard.Asked where I was from.To my surprise, he asked me if I had every been to Florida.That is one of the places that I have been meaning to go to and have been thinking about it lately.I told him I have a friend that lives down there and he told me how beautiful it was.Then we were interrupted.When he was leaving he made sure to came my way.He said,"Florida is waiting for you".Just those simple fours words somehow moved me.Motivated me to get my butt up and stay on task. The task is to take out the time and enjoy life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sometimes when you think you have it, you don't

I love cooking.My first love. In cooking, we know that you see this recipe on a food channel.You get excited because you think," I want to try this dish and I know that it will come out just like Chef Gerolla's on T.V." You put everything you have into making the dish and when it is tasting time ,its not so good. You know you followed the steps right, but it doesn't taste good & doesn't look like it did on T.V. You make the dish again but you put one different ingredient in and Whala there you have it! You made a difference in that dish with that one hint of "Something" could be a herb or whatever.

We as people go through storms which seems it will never clear up .We just don't think of the sun, because all we see in the present is grey. You do everything right,the best way you know how, but in the end it doesn't come out right. No worries.No need to throw the towel in and call it quits. Keep optimistic that the wished outcome will be here sooner or later.In the meantime it's trial & error with a smile.The next day, week,month, or year your sun will come out.You will thank yourself and accomplish a bigger goal.