Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fatal attraction ...literally

One would question why would a person have fatal attraction.Perhaps he or she is mentally ill.Just maybe the  thought was under the surface and awaiting to erupt like a volcano. Here's a thought, maybe that person played around with the other person emotions...hmm. Playing with another person emotions is clearly wrong and can be quite dangerous.This is often swept under the rug and is purposely ignored.

Fatal attraction that is brought on by having an affair outside of marriage is just asking for trouble.Not to justify the other person actions who is mentally ill, but both parties.Both parties are involved and are not forced into anything.One can choose to stop the action brought on and walk away. In other countries, a woman can be stoned, shot, or even hung by having a such thing. Point blank, its morally wrong. People will still try to justify as to why they had an affair. It may go something like this," I couldn't help but to fall in love with him/her.You can't control who you fall in love with" or"Don't judge me".Really now? Haven't we heard that heap of bull crap before. Having an affair is going out like a coward.Just tell your partner its over and move on. Have some kind of dignity.I know its easier said then done, but it takes courage to stand up and go out with your head up.This is also a bad move to creep around when you have kids.We all teach our children about honesty , even if it hurts.We try to protect them as best as we know how.Having an affair with someone you barely know is putting your kids at danger and more importantly yourself.When trying to break that affair up, it can be too late as you already toyed with someones emotions. One small bad decision can lead to totally devastation. To you or your family. Seriously speaking people, next time you play with someone emotions please think about the possibility that this person maybe one second away from snapping.You just pray that it wont be you they go off on.  I had to put this article out here because some people may never know how dangerous a simple affair can be and may brush it off.

R.I.P. Richie .May God be with you and your family.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Audience, What value do you think is more important if you had to pick one?

Ok, I know I haven't posted close a month  now. Just been busy.You know how life is :). Just a random thought.What do you consider as a most important value? It could be anything. As for me, I consider honesty as the most important value you can have as  a person, but one person has disagreed with me on this. So.. let hear it from you all

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A saying that is common , but not taken to heart

You know majority of people say things to help other people. It almost seems that what is said has no type of value on it.People are told to value life and live like there is no tomorrow.We hear it and nod our heads, but don't do it. That's until something that is very drastic happens. Then we know the meaning of those forgotten words.

You may not realize that one day you maybe doing your same routine and the next day you wake up in a hospital bed from a car crash. You never really think that this may happen to you as you go around thinking your untouchable.So take time, think about what you really want out of this life, and execute the plan.When you say I love you to whom ever, really mean it. If you love someone, say it.You may never know if you will  see them again.If your done with a relationship that isn't blossoming , let it go.Move on to someone who wants to grow with you.You may never know what end of the stick you may be on. Much peace, love, and blessings to you.

- Deshilia

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stand Up

In your lifetime people will continue to try to test your limits. Not speaking of one particular event, but in the world we live in. It's important to one's ability to overcome the obstacles which are planted in cement. People may not like it, but who cares. If you constantly try to give your self to a person that doesn't give a crap about you, then obviously your not doing a good job in the self awareness department.Someone very important told me this, "Deja Vu means not to make the same mistake over again".Being firm, but not rude can sometimes be difficult.Some people like to tell it straight and some just take the passive-aggressive route.Both are no good. We are not perfect by all means, but its important to set boundaries. If they don't like it, thats one less negative energy ball you got to deal with. Be happy.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Incognito - Adventues In Black Sunshine - 12 - Mr. Jones (2004)

As I'm going through Reno, NV.Getting away from a school and closure of a bad relationship.I hear this song.Made me open the sun roof and have my hand out the window enjoying the mellow sounds to this song on a sunny day.Perfect song for what I was going through at this time. This band is from the UK and have been out since the 80's .This a mix of Neo-soul and Jazz.Incognito had hits like "Nights over Egypt".Check um out.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Give it up

Obama has done it again.Be himself. I read about some bitter witch being upset about Obama being on daytime T.V.So the "F" what! Obama is being himself and it seems like every picture I see of him he is doing one thing. Being true to himself.Something that some people are incapable of doing.Maybe is because of money, politics, or a  just a personal problem. I think people expect this man to be a  super hero with the "B" across is chest and he is God. Obama is no stranger to critics at this point and even made a comment how people are always going to talk about him.He knows this, but continues to shine with that sexy swag he has. Confidence is there 100%.

This fraggalaggin frumpy lookin Fozzy the bear talks about Obama and says he shouldn't do any daytime.I have commented on this on OMG but somehow the comment never posted, twice.Hmmm I wonder why,but anyways I thought this is nobody's business except for Obama. Should he be at his desk 24/7 working?Just because he is the president doesn't mean he needs to work all the time.He has days off just like anybody that works.If I recall he makes much as a doctor. Yeah there is a BP Spill and he has taken the initiative to fix it just as the unemployment extension bill for millions still without jobs.People now have income coming in instead of going to get GA.If you would of left that to good ol" George W none of that would of happen and millions of people would still be looking for George to sign the unemployment extension. Just sayin.The track record speaks for its self.

So before someone can speak about what other people should or should not do.They shouldn't talk because they have no type of experience in the field. Its just speculation and that makes you look dumb.What I come to realize is that people just have so much jealousy and communistic ways.Just because you don't "approve" of the ways of another person's ways doesn't make it wrong. By who? All people don't walk the same way. That's not being a leader,its called being a follower. Its about time we have a real person in the government for once.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

That Boost

Today I had this older guy come up to me today.Dressed very simple or back in time shall I say. Looked like a true captain.You know, with the captain hat and all. He had a vest . docker shoes, and had that white short beard.Asked where I was from.To my surprise, he asked me if I had every been to Florida.That is one of the places that I have been meaning to go to and have been thinking about it lately.I told him I have a friend that lives down there and he told me how beautiful it was.Then we were interrupted.When he was leaving he made sure to came my way.He said,"Florida is waiting for you".Just those simple fours words somehow moved me.Motivated me to get my butt up and stay on task. The task is to take out the time and enjoy life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sometimes when you think you have it, you don't

I love cooking.My first love. In cooking, we know that you see this recipe on a food channel.You get excited because you think," I want to try this dish and I know that it will come out just like Chef Gerolla's on T.V." You put everything you have into making the dish and when it is tasting time ,its not so good. You know you followed the steps right, but it doesn't taste good & doesn't look like it did on T.V. You make the dish again but you put one different ingredient in and Whala there you have it! You made a difference in that dish with that one hint of "Something" could be a herb or whatever.

We as people go through storms which seems it will never clear up .We just don't think of the sun, because all we see in the present is grey. You do everything right,the best way you know how, but in the end it doesn't come out right. No worries.No need to throw the towel in and call it quits. Keep optimistic that the wished outcome will be here sooner or later.In the meantime it's trial & error with a smile.The next day, week,month, or year your sun will come out.You will thank yourself and accomplish a bigger goal.